Days of My Life

Talk about daily life of a teenage girl in Iraq, and days of suffering and success. My nick name will be Sunshine..

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My birthday .....

I will be 14 on 29\1; I will celebrate my birthday in Baghdad,
Last year was the second time that I couldn't celebrate my birthday because of the unstable situations, my friends in school couldn't come,,
I invited two of my relatives , they are my best friends too( M , & B)& their house is very close to ours , but they couldn't come !!!! they had home inspection ,what a bad luck, I remember I was very upset, in that day, I was watching TV & I saw the daily shows, I was very happy when I saw that Romeo & Juliet is the next movie, & guess what I couldn't watch it, the electricity was OFF as usual.
My mom made a cake & we watched Oprah, my favorite show, I was hoping that the coming birthday would be better & I can celebrate it…
Unfortunately I won't celebrate this birthday with my friends , I will go to Baghdad on 29 / 1 , my mom will have a surgery ( please pray that she will be ok) … but I will celebrate my birthday with my grandparents.
I used to wonder in every birthday, "What did I do this year that I am proud of? What did I achieve? & I think that this birthday I will have so many things to mention…………,
last year when I blow the candles , my wish was to do something special, specially for my age ,I think my blog is my wish , I will wish sooooo many things this birthday, I am so blessed & thankful , to have you my dear readers& friends………
Fourteen years old Sunshine

Note , I will be so busy in this holiday ,I am truly sorry , I might set for awhile , to take care of my sister & brother till my mom's recovery , but I will try to write for you , I have so many things to write about …..
Keep waiting

I am shining again ...

Hello friends:
Hope you are fine , & that you didn't forget me , I know I know you are blaming me now because I didn't shine since a long time !!!
I had been sooooooooooooo busy with my midyear exams, & we did not have electricity in the past few weeks, we had it for once daily and mostly after midnight!! Besides it was a horrible week, the situation is so bad so many times I was stuck in my way, on the day that I had biology exam, there was a mine in my way!!!! I didn't know what was going on first!!!! I saw so many panzers & so many soldiers, but fortunately I reached school, it was a miracle, some girls couldn't & some arrived after the exam!!!!!
I did very well in most of my exams although the questions were very hard , I didn't finish my exams yet , I will have my English exam on Saturday …
Wish me luck …..
Live strong…
Sunshine ……..

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A quick post .....

Hello friends, as you know Eid Al- Adha will be on Tuesday, all the family celebrates together, & we wear new cloths.
This Eid lasts for 4 days, but unfortunately I won't celebrate in the fourth day, because I have to study for my oral mid year exam & my French teacher will come at that day too………
My oral exams will start on 15 / 1 , my first oral exam will be English , followed by French & computer , then Arabic & religion , after that I will have my written exams . We will have Mathematics & religion exams in the first day; I will have a half day only to study them both!!!
As you see I will be soooooooooooooooo busy, my last exam will be on 28 / 1, it will be the English exam. we won't have breaks in between these exams neither weekends, except Fridays!!! My birthday will be on Sunday 29 / 1 the first day of the mid year holiday which will last for two weeks………….
Wish me good luck, I'll need it ….
Note, I will write a post about my New Year celebration, with some pics, wait for that……