Why? For how long?....
The situation didn't get any better for so long, everyday I pray that security will come with the next sunrise, and in the morning I wake up and hear all of those explosions and say to myself, maybe this night will be peaceful, or next morning, that's how I've been living for almost 6 years, wondering and hoping ..
I have so much faith, and say to myself God is protecting me and the people I love, and continue my life, but sometimes I wake up feeling tension, having headache and start to call and check my family members, hear news, and whenever I hear sound of explosions I go to the roof to see it's direction ..
sometimes I just cry, and ask god why do we have to live under this horrible situation, why can't we wake up feeling secured, I want to be able to go out to gardens and markets, I want to visit nice places..
I am ready to replace all of the things I have, internet, laptop, money, jewels, everything, with a safe place where I can see my family and relatives safe, enjoying their health..
few days ago, at 5 am, I woke up, I felt like I heard explosion or two, I though it is a nightmare or so and came back to sleep, at 10 and half a.m., my grandma said "did you see what happened in the Shabak's village?" I switched on the Tv. And heard a reporter saying "the village "Khazna" witnessed annihilating at about 5 am, while those innocents were still asleep … "
I felt my body shaking, I am in the city, and I heard an explosion many kilometers away, oh my god..
The terrorists who have no ethics, no religion and no humanity exploded two lorries full of explosives , as there's curfew in Mosul at that time, the two lorries must came from Kurdistan, the governor said " the check points in Kurdistan check every car and vehicle enter Kurdistan, and know if a pin enter Kurdistan, but they pay no attention for what goes out" and he is right, they care about Kurdistan only..
My grandma was crying, all the Mosul citizens, all the Iraqis, feel each other's pain, I took my mobile and took few pics..
I don't know anyone in that village , when I saw the huge explosions, and the dead people, the kids who died and the women who are weeping, the men who can't stand on their feet from the shock and sorrow, I wanted to run to them and provide them help ,I can't change the government, but I can write, and let the world know the truth..
Couple of days ago the policemen noticed a suspicious lorry , in Badoosh village, the lorry was going towards Al Quba, were the majority of it's citizens are Shiites, they found 24 barrels of TNT.
the situation became so unbearable, everyday neighborhoods witness huge explosions, the cultic fights became more horrifying and savage..
the sons and daughters of Mesopotamia are getting killed and no one of those politicians is paying attention..
There are deputies between the politicians but the victims are the innocents .. the political parties revenge from each other by exploding their rebate's neighborhoods , it is crazy , instead of fighting each other!!..
My dad's friend belongs to the Shabak's cast (the Shabak are kurds but they are against Kurdistan's government, and they are Shiites Muslims) my dad called to see how he and his family doing after a horrifying explosion which was heard all over the city he said " I buried today 41 bodies, and there are more under the wreckage " my dad became speechless, imagine loosing 41 person in one day, family members, relatives, friends, kids, women, old and young.. it is unfair.. in few minutes hundreds lost their houses, hundreds were killed, and hundreds are suffering from severe injuries, they may die, or live cretins or handicapped.
Why ?what was their guilt…..
The government does nothing but saying " we reprove this attack", saying that will never bring us peace, but a real plan and hard working will. Actions speak louder than words .
Thank god, the policemen stopped the lorry, and saved hundreds of souls.
Good bless everyone care about iraq and Iraqis ..
I'll leave you with the pics..
I heard about this on CNN and immediately thought about you and your family. This is terrible and I don't know how it can be stopped. Somehow it is going to take ALL the Iraqi people together to put a end to it.
Dear Sunshine,
Am reading what u r posting in ur blog since months..
I found ur blog accidently while am searching on the internet..
I want 2 say that u r really so so amazing girl..
Am so proud 2 see iraqi girl like u & live in my city Mosul..
What u r writing express how much u love Iraq..
Am so happy 4 that..
Hope we know each more soon..
The condition we r living here in Mosul is really horrible, but we have nothing 2 do just praying 4 our GOD 2 end this state..
GOD with us & every pepale here in my city Mosul & Iraq..
My best regards..
Clinical pharmacist Dr. Pachachi
I read about this cowardly attack on very vulnerable people on Dr. Cole's blog. He is the most knowledgeable of Americans commentators , http://www.juancole.com/ I hope peace comes to your area soon. It is so hard to understand who benefits from the violance.
I thought about you Sunshine the moment I heard about these bombings, I have been reading your blog for over a year now and think that you're an amazing and strong person. Sitting at my desk in Sydney Australia I can't imagine what you are living through in Mosul. My thoughts and prayers are with you as always and I wish you all the best. Live strong...
Sunshine, these suicide bombers and other thugs think they will end up in Heaven and get 72 virgins. They have a very rude awakening. They will go straight to the never-ending fires of Hell to suffer for eternity. God must have something very special waiting for the good people of Iraq. They certainly deserve it. Thank you for keeping us informed on what is happening over there, I know it has to be very difficult writing about it.
Dear Sunshine,
I am very sorry about this terrible and sad news.
God bless you on Ramadan and always.
It's indeed sad to see a country in turmoil, split by religious lines.
Ironically religions are there to guide followers along the true path which is peace and tolerance among
humans on this earth.
Dear Sunshine,
I am a 15 year old girl and I first read about your blog in an Australian/New Zealand teen girls's magazine, Dolly, just the other day.
Although I live across the world from you, in New Zealand, just know that my heart is with you always.
I admire you so much for what you are doing, and hope that you keep doing it. God bless you always.
Christine from NZ
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Thank you so much for sharing. I was in Mosul in 2004 with the Americans. God bless you and your people.
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