Days of My Life

Talk about daily life of a teenage girl in Iraq, and days of suffering and success. My nick name will be Sunshine..

Friday, April 18, 2008

More Diaries..

I had a crazy week, all the teachers want to examine us as many exams as they could, I kept studying the whole time, and I did my best , my marks are ok, I won’t have to attend the final exams for all subjects except physics. in Iraq we don’t have to attend the final exam and study the whole book for every subject if we have 90% and higher as final mark (= A+), it is hard, especially in my school, but I did, in spite of everything, the war , terrorists, explosions, all the hard circumstances, without electricity, nor fuel for heaters, I used to stay up late studying alone while everyone was asleep, catching the torch in one hand and my book in the other, with many blankets over me in order to stay warm, it’s scary to stay in a room alone while there’s shelling and still be able to study..
I continue going to privet Arabic lessons, and I like our teacher, he’s great and praise me a lot (my friends got jealous hehe)..
My friend who lost her mom is doing good, she’s stronger than anyone I’ve ever met, although her sisters don’t study, but she told me “ if I don’t study nothing will change what happened, but I know one thing for sure, it was my mom’s will for us to study hard, she used to ask us to do our best and study, and I’ll do it for her”
On Thursday, Rita visited me and read all of your comments and E-mails, we talked for awhile, but she had to go back quickly, she was busy, they were moving to another house, far away.
Grandpa and I went with her, as it is not safe in Iraq to walk alone, we were walking , laughing because I said a joke, and she was saying to me “shush don’t laugh loud” Rita is really shy person.
As soon as we reached the end of our street, a mine exploded and the US soldiers started to shoot, I didn’t think about anything but running away, Rita caught me from my arm and asked me to calm down, we reached her house, with my knees shaking, her mom, dad, sister’s husband, and their friend were packing their stuff, Rita went to the garden, she insist to bring me a rose, I looked at the rooms through the window, I was trying not to be emotional and cry, the house was empty nothing but the white walls, in one day this house was full of life, this family witnessed many good days there, such as their kids birthday, Raffi’s graduation, Nora’s graduation (their other daughter), Nora’s wedding, all the festivals, the good and bad days, hard and pleasant times,all their memories for over than 30 years.
once in the Armenians’ Eid, my family and many neighbors visited them, I remember perfectly well that day, every single conversation, every joke, there were people from different religions, different castes, and different cities, but you know what, I didn’t feel different, we were talking about the same things, laughing at the same things, it is normal because we are Iraqis, Raffi was sitting in front of me, talking with his friend in low shy voice, like always.. Rita pointed at the door and said “you see this door sunny” ( it leads to the other guest room) , she continued “ we used to open it in Eid, because many many friends used to visit us and there wouldn’t be enough space for all of us, so we used to sit in two rooms, teenagers in one room and adults in the other, and at the middle of the night, everyone stands up, we catch each others’ hands and dance Dabka, what amazing days we had before the war, now we can’t have guests till late time, beside many Armenians left Mosul”
I remember her say, and was imagining the living room full of people dancing and enjoying their time, now they’ll leave the house, leaving their memories behind, but their son’s memory will be carried in our hearts forever..
It is so hard to leave the house you’ve been living in for your whole life, When the situation was really bad about 4 years ago we had to leave our house, I started to cry while I was packing my clothes, I can’t imagine myself living in any other house, surrounded with other neighbors, Rita’s dad came to say hello, he hugged me and said “we’ll miss you the most, it is so hard to leave the neighborhood, the neighbors and house, but what we can do” he looked really sad and was smoking ! he has heart problem and I am so worried about him..
last Wednesday, I was in my way home, after a tiring day at school ( an English professor attended class with us, after the class finished he examined us to see how good we are, he liked me a lot, he kept asking questions and I kept replying without any mistake, he was impressed, the teacher also said I was excellent) anyway in my way home, the driver was driving carefully and we stopped in a checkpoint, an Iraqi vehicle belongs to the National guard was driving really fast and it stopped suddenly in the middle of the bridge, the soldiers started to run , they looking down from the bridge, and ran back shouting something, I didn’t understand their accent, and they yelled at the driver and asked him to go back, but it was impossible there were tens of cars behind, another vehicle stopped and the soldiers seemed to be ready for any attack, they were catching their weapons tightly,, I was like in the middle to Indian action movie, a group of men came wearing worn out clothes, they gave a paper to the national guard and said “we are with them” he looked down from the bridge and said “Yes, they are one of us”
I didn’t understand any thing, they were one of whom? What happened? Who were those men? What was going on? I want to know!!!
I thought there was a car bomb, or it was an ambush , or may be bunch of terrorists were going to attack the soldiers, I was happy to remember a prayer, and I kept repeating it over and over again, later I found out I was saying the wrong one I was saying “Forgive” instead of “protect” ..
A national guard came toward our car and said to the driver “if you don’t want to die GO BACK NOW , DO YOU WANT TO DIE” the question was directed to the driver but I replied quickly “no he don’t” , the other girls who were in the car looked very pale, and the youngest one kept asking me what’s going on, and what will happen ..
We went to another bridge and I arrived my house could barely walk, I was terrified, I really thought I could be just like one of the numbers we hear in Tv.
27/4 will be the last day I attend school in, but I won’t have a holiday I’ll have to study physics, math, and chemistry beside Arabic preparing for the sixth grade ..
On Saturday, my mom, Mariam, Yosif and I will go to a picnic with my mom’s work mates and friends, and I’ll meet Baghdadentist, he is such a great friend and supporter, as well as a very talented writer, I am really excited, there won’t be anyone in my age ! but I can get along well with the new graduated Drs. and everyone ..


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Jhondie said...

Congrats on the grades and stay safe.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger Emily A. said...

I live in the United States and read your blog every time you have a new post. I read it because in our country we don't hear what is going on in Iraq. The news doesn't tell us what it is like for people living there. There are many arguments on the TV about whether or not we should have our soldiers in Iraq. Most people don't want them in your country, but I worry that if we leave, things will get worse. What do you think will happen if AMerican soldiers leave now? Will it get worse or better for you?

At 11:41 PM, Blogger cat said...

Hey Sunny!
Congratulations on your grades! Keep it up! Keep sending Rita and your friend my love, and tell them that I am praying for them. Have fun at the picnic, and make sure to get the Drs talking. :) Keep your head down, Sunny, and never give up hope for a bright and happy future. Iraq's future lies in the hands of people like you, people with the strength to get through today and the power to do better tomorrow. Love and hugs always,

At 2:07 PM, Blogger BirdMan said...


Tonight is FULL Moon!

I am the Wolf Guy Tonight...

Wao~~~n, Wao~~~n, Wao~~~n

I am the Wolf Guy Tonight...

Wao~~~n, Wao~~~n, Wao~~~n

Good LUCK, Sunshin!


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I admire the courage you and your family and friends show just trying to go about daily living.

You have done excellent in your schooling under such stressfull circumstances.

My life is so calm and peaceful it is hard to imagine living in a war zone with death and destruction all around.

Take care of yourself and each other.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Ripama said...


I'm sure the Baghdad Dentist can't wait to picnic with THE Prime Minister.

It's difficult when close friends separate, I'm positive that you and Rita will remain friends for a long long time even though you have to go separate ways.

Judging by your intelligence, tenacity and persistance, I think you will find a way to continue that friendship.

You are hard to forget.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

have fun at the picnic! be safe!!!

i'm going to a picnic today, too.


At 5:14 AM, Blogger Average American said...

I'm still praying for your safety Sunny. It was very brave of you to answer that soldier when your driver froze. Then, we all know how brave you are just to face the day to day life you have to lead in Mosul. Stay safe and God bless you and your family and friends.


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Captain Jarred Fishman, USAFR said...

Hang in there Sunny just a little while longer! Better days are coming and there will be more great memories ahead. We are crushing Al Qaeda down in Kirkuk and Hawijah this week. Mosul will be liberated in a few more weeks.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger John said...

Dear Sunshine,
I'm so sorry you keep having to have these frightening adventures when you should be having the good adventures of life. But I am so very proud and happy for you that you are studying so hard and being so strong and doing so well in school. Hooray for Sunshine!

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in high school in Texas, and our teachers also give a lot of exams all the same time of year, usually at the end of every semester. But it sounds like you have a lot more courses than we do.

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've just read that a "Disneyworld" style park for Baghdad is planned. What do you and your peers think of this?

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've just read that a "Disneyworld" style park for Baghdad is planned. What do you and your peers think of this?

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will your parents allow you escape? I know it's not kind or whatever, but you must leave that place. You are being poisoned by depleted uranium. You witness death and suffering at every turn. How will this effect you later on? How will this effect your sister and brother? I just don't understand why your parents keep you in such a dangerous place. I've emailed your mother, asking why she won't get her children to a safer place, and she ignored me. Why? I care about you and I think you are one of the smartest people alive. What a waste it would be if you were biologically harmed, or GOD FORBID physically harmed. What are your parents waiting for? Please escape while you can! Riverbend's family escaped. Why can't you? I'm sorry, this is just I don't know, mean? of me. But sometimes the truth must be told. I'm worried, Sunshine. Please talk to your parents. Please find out why they refuse to get to safety! Please encourage them to change their minds.

At 3:34 AM, Blogger anN said...

Be safe, dear.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger jarvenpa said...

Oh, Sunshine. You know I admire you greatly. I hope your picnic goes well, and I do hope that someday life will be picnics and delight only. I too am curious about the question emily asks above--here in the US people wonder a lot about it. Many hate the war, but I have had friends tell me "but if the US gets out of Iraq there will be nothing but bloodshed". It sounds like there is a lot of bloodshed now as well.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore you, Sunny. Your'e a very strong & smart girl. Be safe. Allah Bless, InshaALLAH! :))


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore you, Sunny. Your'e a very strong & smart girl. Be safe. Allah Bless, InshaALLAH! :))



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