Happy new year ...

2009 had good and hard times, but I am so thankful for god for keeping me and my family, friends, and loved ones alive, and in a good health .. . this year I found an agency for my book, and went to the engineering college, so I am close of achieving two of my dreams ..
My mid year exams will start on 10/1 , I feel worried a lot, specially that I study a lot and the professors told us " whether you study or not, you're not going to succeed from the first or second try" from their opinion engineering is too hard to succeed from the first or second exam, we're doing our best despite everything, and professors not only explain in a horrible way but make us feel so frustrated, our marks are horrible .. the highest mark in the class in 3 out of 10 !!!!
I spend a long time searching in the internet for good sources, sometimes I spend 4 hours searching for an answer to one question !!! sometimes I feel frustrated, other times I do an extra effort and challenge myself to find the answer.
I am studying hard, and need your prayers ..
Next Saturday, my relative, and dear friend Raghda, will have her Nishan party, she got engaged .. so I wish her a successful and happy marriage, and god bless her and her fiancé .
Happy new years to you! I'm going to start writing more and more pictures.
Sunshine, my first semester in Engineering was difficult as well. There are a lot of concepts tht you might not of thought about before. To make matters worse, we had to use slide rules since calculators weren't available.
Many of our exams were "open book", and the class worked as a team. Since everything was new to us, and seemed to happen so fast, many of us couldn't grasp all of the concepts. We often had tests where the highest score was low. I think they do this early in engineering school to eliminate those who can't handle engineering. Of course the possibility that they are poor teachers doesn't help matters either.
In fact, I think you should find out if your school has a good reputation for engineering, because I've seen engineers come to the states with degrees from foreign universities that end up as technicians.
If you get an opportunity, try to talk to advanced engineering students to get the "lowdown" on the "lay of the land".
Best wishes for 2010 for you and all your family.
Good luck with the exams. You may find that having to struggle to find the answers actually leaves you understanding the subject better than if it was all in one textbook.
Dear Sunshine,
A Happy New Year to you, too!
Good luck for you exams! Please don't give up, the first year is always the hardest. But even though your professors can't explain very well, you'll start understanding more and more over the coming months and years. And when you've finished your studies, you can be proud of yourself, because engineering is a very important profession. Good luck!
"A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage" - the perfect, most beautiful gift book for the engaged couple!
Happy New Year Sunshine!
Best wishes for 2010 for you and your family and friends.
Goodluck with all of your exams, i hope you get the marks your hoping for,
but even if you dont, remember that you did your best and be proud of what you have acheived.
Maria, x
Sunshine, I've read your blog for years and one of several things always stands out - when you try your best you succeed. Regardless of war and suffering, bad teachers and impossible assignments, family problems and personal struggles... You always come out on top because that's what you aim and work so hard for! And you deserve every accomplishment you have so far received and will receive in the future. Good for you Sunshine! Keep shining bright :)
Happy New Year to you and may this next year bring you many smiles and good memories.
Happy New Year, Sunshine! I am so glad to have found your blog again! I have a lot of catching up reading to do and look forward to reading your posts this year.
Good luck with your studies!
Happy new year to you, and may you and your family be blessed.
Good luck with your studies!
best wishes
Feliz Ano Nuevo from Mexico Sunshine. I know you will do well because you always give 110% in anything you do. I look forward to your book.
Happy New Year to you Sunshine. I hope you enjoy a wonderful year. Please relax a little about your first term in college. The first term of college is always a lot different from high school. You will adjust to it very soon. Just don't worry, Your friends Najma and HNK also had problems their first days of college. Aunt Rose is an engineer and may be able to advise you, if you have contact with her. I tried to write her a month or so ago but her E-Mail address is no longer operable.
I was surprised to hear that Raghda was a relative or yours. She has not written to us in months. Give her our congratulations.
Best wishes to you in all you do. I will be praying for you.
Your grandpa!!!
Sunshine, take heart and do your best. It is important for the professors to try to scare you, they want to make the weak quit the program. You must be strong, and I know you can because you have come this far.
Sunshine, take heart and do your best. It is important for the professors to try to scare you, they want to make the weak quit the program. You must be strong, and I know you can because you have come this far.
Hello Sunshine,
I just came across your blog and I can't stop reading it! I edit a magazine in Australia called "frankie" (our website is www.frankie.com.au) and would love to interview you for a story. If you're interested, please email me at jo@frankie.com.au
PS - Oh and my best friend is an engineer. The whole degree (espeically the first year) seems very tough, so don't give up!
"Next Saturday, my relative, and dear friend Raghda, will have her Nishan party, she got engaged .. so I wish her a successful and happy marriage, and god bless her and her fiancé .
Hoping this is the same Rahgda. I watched you grow up through your blog and always enjoyed your posts about cats.
I felt so sad when you left your home and your pets but know cats land on their feet and survive, just like you have.
I wish you all the best in your upcoming marriage and hope your children will grow up in a world that has realized that war is not the answer.
Yes YOU CAN Sunshine ! Sending you positive brainwaves
Best of luck. just do your best. you'll get there! take care.
Dear sunshine.
Wish you happiness and joy in all the aspects. Hope this year “2010” will bring you more successes, especially in your academic life. I’m very glad to read your blog, particularly about your confident, courage and very positive perspective. Oh btw happy to know that you choose engineering, yet I wonder in which field (mechanical, electrical or etc…). I’m also a student currently doing my second year of degree in Mechanical engineering. Once again good luck with your life. oHH. One more thing, you are very right. ‘Optimism should always be a strategy ’.
Best regards
Early wishes for a happy birthday, Miss Sunshine! -- and a year of excellent successes.
My Dearest Sunshine,
Tomorrow is your birthday and I wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I wish I could be there for a happy birthday party for you. I am sorry that I can not be there is see you and how lovely you look. I want you to know that I truly admire you.
I visited my great-grand-daughter last Sunday. It was her 4th birthday and she was very lovely and enjoyed her birthday very much. I wish the same for you.
Your Grandpa
happy new year, sunshine!
i would pray for the iraqis to achieve peace, too! i knew some people from there, and it's very sad to hear all the stories.
Hello Sunshine,
I hope you are well but I am a little worried that you have not posted for over a month.
Take care, Michael
Hello Sunny!
How are you there? I hope everything is going well!
I'm a new supporter for you wonderful blog, and i am very impressed.
How did you do in your exams? I expect very well since you are very smart and brave.
what about your book? what is it about? when will it be published? how can we read it? please tell us as soon as possible. I'm very anxious to know, I really see you are such a lovely and great writer.
Mike from London.
I invite you for visite my blog, it isn't very good, but i like you visite and coment me, i'm portuguese, my blog is writting in portuguese, but you can translate for english and comment.. no?? ;D
do you have an email to contact sunshine? Can you shoot me an email at {addictedtothegame@ymail.com} thanks
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